Our lead pastor, David Keen, was saved by the grace of God at age 14 and then called to preach the gospel in full-time ministry at the age of 15. God used David in various vocational ministry roles, including full time student ministry for five years, until He led David to pursue church planting. Not long after, God led David to join pastor Brian Lowe as a part of the launch team for Exodus Church in 2009. About 4 years into that plant, God called David and his amazing wife and family to plant a second congregation of Exodus Church in the Northlake area of Charlotte, NC.
So, before we launched as Sent Church, we existed as the Northlake congregation of Exodus Church. The Exodus Northlake congregation started with 21 adults and 12 kids in September of 2013. For six years from 2013-2019, this Exodus congregation saw God change numerous lives by the power of the gospel and we give Him all the glory for it.
Then, through much prayer, fasting, and discussion, God led the elders of Exodus Church to become two autonomous local churches. So, ENL launched as Sent Church in 2020 and we held our first worship gathering on January 5th, 2020. He has been abundantly faithful to us and we expect nothing less from Him in the days ahead. Because of Jesus, we believe the future is incredibly bright for both churches. And we are hopeful and prayerful that we each get to see more and more healthy, gospel proclaiming churches get raised up and sent out to the glory of God.
We are sent like Christ to make disciples of Christ.
These values are core to who we are and all that we do as a church:
Gospel Centrality
Jesus was sent to earth to forgive and save rebellious sinners like us. Any who place their faith in the finished work of Jesus can have new, abundant, and eternal life. This gospel is the best news on the planet. And this gospel is central to all we do at Sent Church.
Gospel Centrality
Jesus was sent to earth to forgive and save rebellious sinners like us. Any who place their faith in the finished work of Jesus can have new, abundant, and eternal life. This gospel is the best news on the planet. And this gospel is central to all we do at Sent Church.
Diverse Community
We are sent on mission as a diverse people. We value diverse community because Heaven is made up of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Because of this, we will continue to strive to rightly reflect the abundantly diverse Kingdom of God on earth in our living rooms and around our dinner tables even more than in our Sunday gatherings.
Joyful Worship
We are sent worshiping our risen savior Jesus. Because of all that Christ has done for us, we live our lives as a joy-filled, worshipful response to Him. In all we do, we seek to bring Him glory with our whole lives.
Sacrificial Service
We are sent to sacrificially serve God and the people He puts in our lives the same way that Jesus sacrificially served us through His finished work on the cross. Because of Jesus, we seek to faithfully lay down our lives to serve God and others.
Biblical Authority
We are sent under authority. The Bible, the inspired, infallible Word of God, is the final authority for all that we say and do in this world. We submit the entirety of our lives to all that the Bible says.
Dependent Prayer
We are sent dependent on God in prayer. Prayer is the fuel for the mission we have been called to as sent people. As useless as a phone is without a charger connecting it to a power source, so the church is without prayer connecting us to our all-powerful God in Heaven.
What a church believes is absolutely crucial to their existence and mission. Anyone who is considering calling Sent Church their local church family must wholeheartedly affirm these doctrines before they can covenant as a member with us. This is not all that we believe at Sent Church, but these are our most basic doctrines. At Sent Church,we are convinced that what we believe deeply affects how we behave in our everyday lives. So, as a church, our beliefs hold a substantial value to us.
(The following statement of faith has been adapted from Exodus Church, the church that planted us)
God has always existed in perfection and glory as one God in three persons (the Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit). He has no needs or imperfections. God created and sustains all things by the word of His power. He is a good God who works all things together according to the counsel of His will for our good and His glory.
Hebrews 1:3, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:28
God has always existed in perfection and glory as one God in three persons (the Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit). He has no needs or imperfections. God created and sustains all things by the word of His power. He is a good God who works all things together according to the counsel of His will for our good and His glory.
Hebrews 1:3, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:28
God’s Revelation of Himself
This good and gracious God has chosen to communicate with us. He reveals Himself in the creation to display His existence and power. He has ultimately revealed himself in Jesus—God become man. God has also been so good to us to communicate to us through the Bible—the word of God in the words of men. We believe the Bible to be inspired, infallible and authoritative.3
Romans 1:19, John 1:1, 14, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:19–21
God who existed in perfect fellowship with Himself has created a universe to display the panorama of His power, creativity and might. In the beauty, design and intricacies of the world, we see His splendor. In this creation, God created a man named Adam to be the representative for humanity. He also made Eve to be his helper. We believe that man and woman are equally made in the image of God, to know Him and represent Him in the world. We also believe that God has created males and females with distinct gifts, tendencies and callings. Both are precious and valuable in His creation. And God called His creation—very good.
Psalm 19:1, Genesis 2:18–25, Genesis 1:26–28
The Fall
Adam, as our representative, chose to disobey God rather that to submit to His authority. In doing this, he brought sin and death into the world. Because of his act, the whole world was affected. All humanity is born with an inclination toward sin. Every part of who we are is now tainted with a rebellious alienation that drives us from God. The creation was affected as well causing disease and death. However, God did not desert Adam. There were consequences for his sinfulness, but God was faithful to Adam. He also promised that there would be a Deliverer to come. Throughout the rest of the Old Testament, we are told about this Deliverer who would come to free the people from their sins. We see pictures of this deliverance in the Exodus story, the kingship of David, and the prophets, until, in the fullness of time, God sent His Son to make all things new.
Genesis 3:1–7, Romans 5, Ephesians 2:1–3, Romans 8:18–25, Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 53, Galatians 4:4–7
Jesus Christ
The story of God’s deliverance culminates with Jesus—God who became a man. He was born to a virgin named Mary, lived a perfect life of obedience to God, died a horrible death on the Cross in our place for our sin, was buried and raised bodily to new life. He ascended into heaven and will one day return. The delivering work of Jesus is a work of grace alone by Christ alone and can be received by anyone who confesses and repents of sin, expresses true faith in Jesus and submits to Him as the Lord of their lives.
Philippians 2:5–11, Luke 1:26–38, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 15:1–4, Ephesians 2:8–10, Romans 10:9–10
The Holy Spirit
After Jesus ascended, The Bible tells us that he sent a Helper—The Holy Spirit. He is God (co-equal in power and existence) and personal (not a force). His work is essential in lost and sinful people embracing the delivering work of Jesus. As the Helper, the Holy Spirit helps those who have embraced the work of Jesus, understand God’s Word, empowers them to live in obedience to the commands of God, and keeps them until the day of Jesus’ return.
1 John 16:7
The Church
Those who have been delivered by the work of Jesus comprise the Church universal—a people from every tribe, tongue and nation. The local church is to be a testimony of the power of Jesus in the community. The Church is to be led by qualified men called Elders who equip the members of the Church for the work of ministry. We practice the ordinances of the church: believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Acts 20:28, Ephesians 3:9, Ephesians 4:11–17, 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1
The Mission
Before Jesus ascended, he gave a commission to His Church. The Church is to live in the world as Jesus lived in the world. The Church is to make disciples who make disciples. The Church is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth in fulfillment of the commands of Jesus. At Sent, we believe that this is our mission as a church and as individuals who comprise the church.
John 20:19, Matthew 28:18–20, Acts 1:8, 1 Peter 4:10–11
The Return
After Jesus gave his commission in Acts, He ascended into heaven with a promise that He will return. He will receive His Bride to be with Him and He will make all things new. Because Jesus said that no one knows when that will be, we choose to have diversity in our understanding of the exact timing and manner in which Jesus will return. We do agree that Jesus wins and it’s best to be on His team when He returns.
Acts 1:8–11, Matthew 24:36, Revelation 19

David enjoys good food, good drink, good conversation, music, sports, working out, reading, taking in God’s creation and growing a healthy beard. Outside of salvation, his beautiful wife Jordan, his little girl Lucy James and sons Gideon Battle, Abraham Brave, Judah Beacon, and Brookelyn are his most cherished gifts from God.

Josh is passionate about the united global upside-down kingdom of Jesus! He enjoys exploring ideas, making unique things, reading fiction aloud, and playing Death Hack with everyone, especially his wife Ashley and their children Boaz, Enoch, and Leah.

Alex Lehman
Often found near the neighborhood Taco Bell, Alex enjoys deep conversations, reading a good book, listening to music, being outdoors, nerdy movies, watching his only team, the Indianapolis Colts, and playing games with family and friends. God has graciously blessed Alex with his incredible wife, Emily, and two beautiful daughters, Ellie and Julia, and two amazing sons, Will and Theodore who help fill the home with a lot of goofy laughter. Alex considers it a humbling honor and great joy to serve as one of the Pastors at Sent.

Stephen Wagoner
Like most in Charlotte, the Wagoner family is new in town. Stephen is best known for being Brooke’s Husband and The father of Eli, Noah, Kanaan, and Madelyn. He loves helping people find the calling that God has for them. As a family, they currently enjoy growing together in the Lord, Chicago Cubs Baseball, trips to the beach, & Carowinds Rollercoasters!

As a Sent Church launch team member, Joe has had the privilege and joy of serving Jesus and watching him do amazing things at Sent for the past 10 years. He loves listening to audiobooks, playing games, and watching movies with his lovely wife, Lauren, and their wonderful children, Emma and Maddox.

Lead Pastor
David enjoys good food, good drink, good conversation, music, sports, working out, reading, taking in God’s creation and growing a healthy beard. Outside of salvation, his beautiful wife Jordan, his little girl Lucy James and sons Gideon Battle, Abraham Brave, and Judah Beacon are his most cherished gifts from God.

Stephen Wagoner
Pastor of Community & Mission
Like most in Charlotte, the Wagoner family is new in town. Stephen is best known for being Brooke’s Husband and The father of Eli, Noah, Kanaan, and Madelyn. He loves helping people find the calling that God has for them. As a family, they currently enjoy growing together in the Lord, Chicago Cubs Baseball, trips to the beach, & Carowinds Rollercoasters!

Deacon of Administration and Sent Kids
Emily enjoys delicious food, reading, and being creative. Emily is married to Andrew and they just had a baby girl named Riley. They both enjoy spending time with their dog and having friends over for dinner and games. Emily is humbled to get to serve alongside the elders and deacons of Sent and love on the children that God has given this body of believers.

Lindsey Hayob
Worship Leader
Lindsey works for Young Life in the Lake Norman area where she does full-time ministry, working closely with Lake Norman High School and Davidson College. After moving around a lot growing up, she is happy to have landed in a place with all four seasons, in the middle of the mountains, lake, and beach! In her free time, she likes to exercise, bike, hike, and read. Her guilty pleasure is her love for the Jonas Brothers that has grown with her into adulthood… but her love for Jesus is greater.

Deacon of Administration and Sent Kids
Emily enjoys delicious food, reading, and being creative. Emily is married to Andrew and they just had a baby girl named Riley. They both enjoy spending time with their dog and having friends over for dinner and games. Emily is humbled to get to serve alongside the elders and deacons of Sent and love on the children that God has given this body of believers.

Deacon of Postpartum Support Team
My name is Lauren Helton and I am incredibly blessed to get to be married to my best friend, Joe. We have two sweet kids, Emma and Maddox, who keep us on our toes and keep us continually seeking Jesus! I enjoy being with my family, watching movies, reading novels, game nights, anything chocolate, and being in God’s beautiful creation (when it’s not too hot – so half the year). 🙂 My passion for the PPD ministry stems from my own personal struggles with PPD and a lifelong battle with depression. Understanding this horrible illness has given me a great desire to reach out to others who are suffering through it with the love of Jesus.

Deacon of Facilities
Josh and his wife Sarah moved to Charlotte from Florida 9 years ago and have found an amazing life and community here. He went to the University of Central Florida where he got his BSBA and spent countless day visits at Disney World. Josh has several passions in life, including DIY home projects, cook outs (with all the meats), and hosting gatherings. Josh is so grateful that God led them to Sent where he and Sarah can continue to live on mission and raise a family alongside their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Deacon of Hospitality and Connection
Enjoys spending time with others over a perfectly brewed cup of coffee or a tasty meal. Brooke loves to be outside, play board games with friends and family and watch a good movie at anytime during the day. Her most favorite thing to do is to enjoy time with her nephews and niece, just simply being with them. Brooke loves to welcome every person that walks through our doors and finds it an honor to serve as the Deaconess over our Hospitality and Connection team at Sent.

Deacon of Sent Students
ABOUT Andrew

Jon Metty
Deacon of Audio/Visual Team
Jon is a dad of three and a husband of one wife, Stacey. God radically saved him from a life of sin at 20 years old and he has been on the road of sanctification ever since. Jon loves all things mechanical and can often be found out in the shop fixing or fabricating something when not trying to corral his 3 teenage kids, Hayden, Matthew and David.

Deacon of Audio/Visual Team
Stacey is a lover of Jesus, wife, and mom of three adopted teens. She loves her chickens and cats and can often be found digging in her garden. Stacey and her husband Jon live in Cornelius and enjoy being outdoors: biking, hiking, boating, or camping. The Mettys enjoy the challenges and rewards of serving the body of Christ with the audio and visual team.
We believe that these partnerships are strategic for the sake of the Name of Jesus and the fulfillment of His mission. We are an autonomous local church in both of these partnerships with our elders providing leadership in the decisions that are made.
Sent Church is a Southern Baptist Church which means that we give to the Cooperative Program for the work of missions around the world.
Sent Church has graciously been donated a storage unit from Morningstar Storage to keep our items in as we are a portable church. We are incredibly grateful for our partnership with the W.T. Harris Morningstar storage!
At Sent Church, we believe in church planting. And we believe that God has called us to be a church planting church. Because of that, we give away at least 10% of all our internal giving (as we have since day one of our inception back in 2013). Here are some of the planters we have the privilege of partnering with:
Walter Jolon and Casa de Gracia in Palin, Guatemala
Will Broadus and Reconcile Community Church in Greenville, SC
Jarrian “JayWill” Wilson and City of Refuge Church in Columbia, SC
Ben Davey and Life Church in Charlotte, NC