-Parents/Guardians bring children to the Check In Station.
-Parents are given the child’s name tag to fill out and will receive a parent receipt.
-Parents take the child to the appropriate room and give any special instructions to the teacher.
-All children should be picked up in their classrooms by the time the worship gathering concludes.
-Parent receipts are visually checked by Room Leads to make sure they match the number on the child’s name tag.
God has always existed in perfection and glory as one God in three persons (the Trinity—Father, Son and Spirit). He has no needs or imperfections. God created and sustains all things by the word of His power. He is a good God who works all things together according to the counsel of His will for our good and His glory.
Hebrews 1:3, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:28
Seeds (6 months to 18 months old)
Primarily at this age, we provide nurture and care.
Infants are welcome in the gathering. Please look for signs or ask where our nursing mother’s space is.
Sprouts (19 months to 2 years old)
Your child will receive a snack, coloring sheet, and play with other children.
Buds (3 year olds & 4 year olds)
Your child will receive a snack, hear a story, sing worship songs, participate in craft time, and guided play.
Roots (K-5th Grade)
Your child will hear a story, participate in craft time, and a guided activity.
When you feel that your child is mature enough to be in the service with you, we want you to feel free to make that decision. Sent Kids is offered to supplement, not replace the spiritual formation provided in the family.
We take the safety, security and spiritual formation of our children very seriously. For this reason, we seek to insure that all volunteers are checked thoroughly before they are trusted with a precious resource like our children.
-Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be growing in Christian maturity.
-Have attended Sent Church regularly for a reasonable time.
-Have completed the following: Volunteer application, Background check, Interview with Sent Kids leader. Training
-Be committed to being a servant who is: Consistent in advanced preparation, Consistent in church attendance, Willing to receive training at his/her level
-Attend training sessions (these will typically be two times each year)
-Help keep the classrooms set up and clean.
-Replication: As a disciple-making disciple, the leader will be asked to constantly be looking for others who can be trained to do what they are doing.
Sent Church is dedicated to providing a safe, secure, nurturing environment for your children. Part of this involves preventing the spread of communicable disease among children and workers. Parents and caregivers must, therefore, be familiar with and abide by the Well Child Policy. Caregivers have the right to refuse a child on the basis of symptoms as listed in the Well Child Policy. In addition, in certain instances, Sent Church reserves the right to request clearance by a family physician before allowing a child to return to care.
A child should not be placed in care when any of the following exist:
- Fever higher than 100 degrees (orally) or 99 degrees (auxiliary). (Note: children
should be free of a fever for 24 hours after a contagious disease before coming back to
Exodus Kids.) - Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
- Any colored nasal discharge
- Sore throat
- Productive (wet) cough or croupy (barking) cough
- Any unexplained rash, or open skin lesion
- Any skin infection‐‐boils, ringworm, impetigo, etc.
- Any eye infection or drainage
- Any communicable disease or infestation (such as lice)
- Looks or acts unusually tired, pale, irritable or restless
Children who appear ill while in care will be removed from class and placed with a caregiver while the parent is located.
Neither caregivers nor church staff will give any medication to any child, with the exception of staff/teachers who have been instructed by a parent of a highly allergic child in the need for and use of an Epi‐pen.
Parents of children with special needs are encouraged to contact the Sent Kids Coordinator before signing the child into class.
Parents of children with any serious allergies, medical conditions or other noteworthy issues should note these on the sign‐in form and verbally alert Sent Kids Leaders.
We have a space for new and nursing moms that someone at our Sent Kids check in table or on our welcome team will be happy to direct you toward the day you visit.