We have one worship gathering at 10am every Sunday morning.
Please email us for the locaiton for our weekly worship gatherings.
At Sent, we gather weekly to worship our great God and Savior. Our aim is to bring God glory in all that we do. So, everything in our worship gatherings will be done to point all of us toward God, who alone is worthy of all our praise. We hope that Jesus is the name that you remember as you leave.
Because Jesus has already won the victory, we love to sing. We will worship God through songs when we gather every week. Please consider and contemplate the truths we are singing. Allow God to speak to you through the words and the singing of others in the congregation. As you learn them, please join in singing as soon as you would like.
Our gatherings will include a time of preaching from the Bible. Because we believe the Bible is God’s word to us, we value the preaching of His word every week. As you listen, ask God to speak to you through His word and please respond to what He is saying to you appropriately.
We will spend time praying during our gatherings. There will be a card you can write prayer requests on as well as pastors who would love to pray with you and for you every week. When others are praying, please listen to the words that are being prayed and asked God to speak to you during our worship gatherings.
The Table
Jesus told his followers to observe what is called the Lord’s Table or Communion. If you are a follower of Jesus, we invite you to the table with us. When you are directed to, please take the bread and dip it into the cup of wine (or juice) and remember Jesus’ body that was broken and His blood that was shed for you and I to have new life in Him.
If you are our guest, we promise you that we are not after your money. Please do not feel obligated to give at all. Our members and regular attenders give generously, cheerfully, faithfully, and sacrificially as an act of worship to all God has done for them. When and if God leads you to, please do the same.
Here are a few questions we get asked about often. If you have another question we can answer for you before your visit, please email us here and we will get back to you.
We believe that children are a blessing from the Lord. Our aim is for all the kids that worship with us at Sent to enjoy their time with us. We offer Sent Kids classes for ages 6 months-5th grade. However, as parents, we leave it up to you to decide what is best for your children. They are welcome to join us in the larger worship gathering if you would like for them to do so. Or you can send them to Sent Kids.
Do you have a space for new and nursing moms?
Yes. We do. We have a space for new and nursing moms that someone on our welcome team will be happy to direct you toward the day you visit.
Will you ask me to do anything embarrassing when I visit?
No we won’t. No standing and waving or getting called out from the front. We promise.
How long do your gatherings last?
A typical worship gathering lasts about 90 minutes from start to finish.
We are sent like Christ to make disciples of Christ.