Like you, our elders have continued to prayerfully monitor all the updates surrounding COVID-19. So far, the situation remains very fluid. Here is where we are for right now. We will not be having any official Sent Church gatherings until further notice. This includes our gatherings on Sunday mornings, in our Sent Communities, our women’s Bible Study, and any other church led events during this time. We believe we are to do this out of love for our neighbor and in submission to our government authorities. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as the situation continues to evolve.
Until we can gather again in person, our staff and elders will continue to do our best to leverage the technology we have graciously been given in order to communicate with you all during this time. Here are a few ways the elders would like to encourage you all during this time:
- Pray. Pray with thanksgiving. And then pray some more (Philippians 4:4-7; Colossians 4:2). There is not a more practical application we can give you during this time. Thanks God for all He has done and all He is doing in all this. Pray to Him and ask Him boldly for your requests. Trust that He is hearing you and that He is at work always. Trust that your prayers are effective.
- Do not Fear. Some of you will be tempted toward lots of anxiety and fear. We want to encourage you that God really is in control. We can and should trust Him. He is on His throne and is not shocked or surprised by what is going on in our world. We have nothing to fear in this life or the next because Christ has defeated death, disease, sin, and Hell. Let us walk in the confident hope that we have in Christ, especially in the days ahead. God is absolutely in control and is at work on all of this. He is not shocked by this virus and none of His purposes will be thwarted (Job 42:2).
- Consider others more significant than yourself (Philippians 2:3). Some of you will be tempted toward arrogantly living your “faith” as some kind of merit badge by refusing to do any type of social distancing or submission to governing authorities. We would call you to listen because you could stop the spread of this disease and quite literally save lives. This is not giving in to fear. This is loving. This is ultimately driven by the love of Christ that He showed us on the cross. Let us consider one another and the world around us the way that Christ graciously and sacrificially considered us.
- Rest. One of the things God seems to be doing in all of this is exposing some of our idols like work, sports, success, and control to name a few. As he strips aways some of these things, we have a wonderful opportunity to actually rest. We should receive any opportunities we are given to rest as a gracious gift from God. Let’s work hard and rest hard to the glory of God. As elders we do not feel pressure to try and recreate new “programs” during this time just because we can’t gather regularly together. If God wants us to rest, let’s rest well to His glory.
- Redeem the time. As God is stripping away things and exposing some of our idols, it appears we will have some more time on our hands. Let’s redeem the time and use it for growth in holiness and deeper relationships with those God has placed around us (family, friends, coworkers, and/or roommates). Stay in the Word and focused in prayer. Intentionally pursue things that stir your affections for Christ. If you are a husband or a daddy, lead your family toward redeeming the time together. Let’s not feed our flesh during this time by pursuing silly things like binge watching our favorite shows, over-eating, or running to other sinful escapes.
- Continue to pursue living life in community and on mission. Gather when and where you can and only if it is wise. Wash hands. No unnecessary touching. Respect each other’s boundaries. Be creative to leverage the technology and time that we have been given by God right now. Consider something like video chats for intentional conversation and prayer time. Look for needs that you may be able to meet and ways that you can serve the people around you. Please be sure to let us know if you have any needs during this time. We would love to help serve you. Look for ways to share the gospel with others during this time. God is exposing the frailty and neediness of humanity right now. Jesus is the answer that our world desperately needs.
- Give. As a church, we still have to pay the bills and people will likely have more and more benevolent needs during this time. We will seek to help and serve financially however we can as a church. Your faithful, cheerful, and sacrificial giving ensures that we are able to continue funding the mission we have been called to as a church.
As we seek to walk faithfully in the days ahead, I found the perspective of a fellow pastor (Martin Luther) who lived during the bubonic plague to be timely and helpful. Listen to his words:
“I shall ask God mercifully to protect us.Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance inflict and pollute others and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. If God should wish to take me, he will surely find me and I have done what he has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own death or the death of others. If my neighbor needs me however I shall not avoid place or person but will go freely as stated above. See this is such a God-fearing faith because it is neither brash nor foolhardy…” – Martin Luther (From Martin Luther, Works v. 43, p. 132. Letter “Whether one may flee from a Deadly Plague” written to Rev. Dr. John Hess)
While we cannot gather together as a people right now, I pray that we will continue to be the church and live as sent ones wherever God has us. I pray we will continue to grow and thrive as a local church during this time. The church is not a building or simply a weekly worship gathering. This reality will be on display especially during this time. May we truly be a bright, gospel shining, light in this diseased, dark world as the church of the living God. Brothers and sisters, we are Sent.
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