Our Blog

no November 12th Gathering
There will be NO Sunday morning gathering this Sunday, November 12th! ✨ The congregation of Sent Church will be having a Thanksgiving lunch together to celebrate the closing of this chapter and spend time in prayer for the start of our new...

Yearly Bible Reading Plans for 2023
There is nothing I would recommend to you more than reading God’s word regularly every year and 2023 is certainly no exception. Even though a quick google search will get you a plethora of bible reading plans to choose from, picking the right plan can be overwhelming....

Prayer & Fasting
Sent Church Family, Summer is coming to an end! The Keens are returning soon, schools are starting back up, and many of our weekly rhythms are going to be changing soon. In order to usher in this new season, the elders would like to invite you to a time of prayer and...

Easter at Sent
Come join us for Easter Weekend! 📅 Friday, April 15th - Good Friday Service @ Steele Creek Church from 6-7pm (11800 Eastfield Rd, Huntersville, NC 28078) 📅 Saturday, April 16th - Easter Egg Hunt @ Sent Church from 10-12am (9142 Browne Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269) 📅...

This is Our Song
By Ashley Blavatt I always have a song in my head. I do not know how common it is for anyone else. But whenever someone asks me what I am thinking, the first thing I am aware of is the song that was just playing. “Walking in the jungle, walking in the jungle. We’re...

Buy a CATS Bus Pass for Afghanistan Refugees
We have an opportunity to serve the local Afghanistan refugees. You can either buy a CATS bus pass online, or at a brick and mortar location (see all links below), or tell Pastor Josh and he will purchase one on your behalf and you can reimburser him. Please bring the...

Virtual message for 1/23
Due to both the unforeseen road conditions on Sunday morning and a large number of people in our congregation currently impacted by Covid, The Elders have made the safe decision to move our time in the word to online only for Sunday the 23rd. We hope that you will...

Glimpses of Grace – November & December 2021
One of the things I believe God wanted us to grow in as a church throughout 2021 is to better recognize some of the ways He is at work in our midst. I had three primary prayers for us as we did this. First, I prayed that we would rejoice over His grace to us. One of...

Our 1/16/22 Gathering is CANCELED
Due to the inclement weather heading our way, our gathering for tomorrow, Sunday the 16th, is canceled. We will miss gathering with you all tomorrow! Enjoy your snow day!

Tips for Memorizing Scripture
By: Josh Blavatt Psalm 1:1-2 ESV Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. I want to...