There is nothing I would recommend to you more than reading God’s word regularly every year and 2022 is certainly no exception. Even though a quick google search will get you a plethora of bible reading plans to choose from, picking the right plan can be overwhelming. So, here are four reading plans that I highly recommend:

  • Five Day Reading Plan – This is the plan I will be using again in 2022. I have used several through the years, but I continue to return to this one as my favorite. It’s my favorite for two primary reasons. First, you read through the Bible in a year but this plan is five days a week instead of seven. I really like having those built in “make up” days and the flexibility to read other things off the plan on the weekends. Second, it takes you through the Bible in a mostly chronological order of historical events. 
  • ESV Daily Bible Reading Plan –  I like the variety this one offers pulling from four different genres of books each day. 
  • Chronological Bible Reading Plan – This one takes you through the Bible in the historical order in which the events occurred. 
  • 5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan – If you have never read the Bible regularly as a discipline, this is a wonderful tool to help get you started. If you just want to read the New Testament in 2022, you also can just read the NT passages in either the Five Day Reading Plan or the ESV Daily Reading Plan

I would also recommend the yearly reading plan from the Bible Project folks. Even if you don’t use their reading plan, I would recommend watching each of their overview videos as an introduction to each new book of the bible you begin reading. They really do a wonderful job helping you get the full context and scope of the whole Bible and how each book fits within the grand narrative of Scripture. 

And for those that like to listen, the dwell app, is a wonderful tool for Bible listening. There is plenty on the free version for you to try out and the paid subscription offers you a variety of Bible plans to choose from. 

No matter if you use one of these plans or another one, my encouragement to you is to read God’s word regularly. Pick a plan or make one and let’s get in and stay in God’s word together as His people. Biblical authority is one of our core values as a church. So, let’s be a people who read it, know it, love it, and submit to all God says to us through it. It is God’s authoritative Word given to us as a gracious gift. It really will change your life.